Thursday, September 25, 2014

 Humans need religion at all times 

Religion in Arabic called din. In addition to religious means, said means also confident din , power  submission, compliance ,reply, rules and advice. Religion does contain the rules and laws that must be complied with humans. Religion has the power to make people submissive and obedient to God. People submissive and obedient to God will get reward from God, while the non-compliant will get punishment from God.

While science and technology are growing rapidly, people still need religion. Science and technology can not give an answer to the question about the meaning and purpose of human life, which can only be answered by religion.

This means that people, even given the ability of the mind to be able to think about and organize their lives, unable to fully achieve an orderly life without religious rules. This is due to that the mind has certain limitations and is unlikely to achieve the overall truth is, while the rules of religion, as revealed by Allah as the creator of man, can show the real truths, which may not be reached by the human mind.

While this tendency of modern man to return to the religion stronger. Concern that religion will be left turned out to be proven. Religion still needed by humans over time. There are various motivations that make people convert to a religion. People also need clarification on questions about the meaning, origin and purpose of life. The answer to all of that can only be derived from religion.

Formerly many thinkers who predicted that religion would be broken because it is no longer needed by modern humans who were so advanced in science and technology. Then came the people who deny the existence of God, called the atheist.

However, the concern that religion will be abandoned by modern man turned out to be true. Over the last decade occurred resurrection religions all over the world, which is characterized among other things by increasing visits to places of worship, religious talks and publishing religious books.

A view of religion is determined by his understanding of the teachings of the religion itself. The influence of the church in Europe oppress their discovery by scientists who are considered contrary to the scriptures, the scientists finally away from religion even leave.

The question is the subject of the trial we like it or not will continue to emerge. Is religion still relevant to today's life cerminannya as described above? Before responding, must first be answered: Is man able to escape from religion? Or are other alternatives that can replace it?

In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.

Pharaoh's tyranny and felt himself to be God even in the end repent and want religion but love because it was too late. Because religion is nature, then it can not and should not be forced. Why should oblige? God does not need the force and eventually even Him and His religion is acknowledged. Is not that the nature of religion?

This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.

Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.

William James pointed out that humans still have the instinct for anxiety, worry hope, for it is they worship (communion with God). That's why fear is one of the biggest motivations for religion.

Murtadha Muthahhari explains, most of the functions and the role of religion in this life can not be played by science and technology. Obviously, the knowledge to accelerate our goal. Religion determines the way. Humans adapt to environmental science and religion adapts to his identity. Knowledge is the ornament of birth and religion inner decoration. Knowledge gives power and illuminate the road, while the religion of hope and encouragement for the soul.

Knowledge to answer questions that begin with how and religion answered that begin with why. Knowledge is always muddy owners mind while soothing the soul of religion is always sincere adherents. Is not it a fact of life of Western society prove that?

Include human mind, soul and body. No rational mind or territory. Not all issues can be resolved or even facing the mind. Art can not be measured solely by the intellect as a role here is the heart.

In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.

Is the success of this will be extended to produce living creatures that can host for the author himself?

Is this good or bad? Who can answer it is the religious values ​​and not art nor philosophy. Even all the sophistication of the latest research will produce (saw) the authority of God. In this regard Allah says in the Quran: Will We showed signs of (greatness) We're in space to prove to them that He (God) is real. (Fussilat verse 53).

So what is expressed by the country's first astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukur when I first saw the earth from space the first thing that comes to mind is that of admiration for the greatness of Allah the Almighty.

If so, then there is no other alternative that can replace religion. Those who ignore it had created a new religion in order to satisfy his soul. However, without the religious


In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.

This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.

Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.

In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.


 Pengurus Penyelidik Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim).


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