Friday, September 26, 2014



Next, the formulation and implementation of policies is determined by consistent values ​​of socio-economic and political state at a time. Due to its dynamic nature, changing government policies, according to the community and leadership from time to time. However, basically the government's policies are formulated and implemented to meet the socio-economic objectives such as economic growth, income distribution, stability and general wellbeing. In Malaysia, the government's policies, particularly the policies of development with the objective of achieving goals such as 2020 for the purpose of making Malaysia a developed industrial country and has many features. Not only that, the government also implemented a policy is aimed at achieving the goals of the National Development Policy (NDP) and economic growth and equitable distribution.

Among the policies undertaken by the government is the New Economics Policy (NEP), the National Development Policy which this policy is established with the aim to strengthen our economy Malaysia. While social policy created is the National Education Policy and the Look East Policy. Moreover, the government has also formulate foreign policies with the purpose of safeguarding the interests of Malaysia in terms of economic and social policy is the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) and Antarctic Policy.

New Economic Policy (NEP)

NEP is a socio-economic program, which was introduced in Malaysia in 1971 by Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Dato 'Hussein. Explicit goal of the NEP was to achieve national unity and national integration and it has been drafted in the context of a two-pronged strategy to reduce and eventually eradicate poverty by increasing income and increasing employment opportunities for all Malaysians regardless of race and accelerate the process of restructuring Malaysian society to correct economic imbalances so as to reduce and eventually eliminate the identification of race with economic function. This policy has been replaced by the National Development Policy (NDP) in 1991, however, the elements of this policy is still in place and will be replaced gradually when the natives have to have confidence.

History Of NEP

Implementation British divide and rule policy has aggravated the social cohesion in Malaya. Racial classification refers to employment and education systems to avoid interaction between different population in Malaya, comprising three main clumps code text of the Malays, Chinese and Indians. Through this policy the Malays mostly residing in rural areas (villages) and worked as farmers and fishermen, the Chinese people living in urban areas and mining as well as working as a dealer and tin miners, while the Indians mostly live in the farms and worked as a laborer, has indirectly created suspiciously suspicious of each other, which is a time bomb at the heart of events May 13, 1969.

Bloody events that occurred on May 13, 1969 has revealed the true manifestation of the three largest ethnic feelings in Malaysia. Since the country gained independence on August 31, 1957, found the Malays still far behind in terms of control of the economy and education in Malaya, as the majority of the Malays living in rural areas. While the Chinese to master the more advanced business and other economic areas as they live in urban areas and in control of mining. Thus arise the awareness among the Malays who feel that they have been left behind and marginalized in their own land due to poverty. For the Chinese and Indians, they worry about the conditions of citizenship rights even though some of them were willing to shed loyalty to Malaya.

Since the Japanese occupation during the Second World War, the Japanese adopted a policy of anti-Chinese and pro-Malay and angered Chinese prejudices against the Malays. When Japan surrendered, and before the arrival of the British, the Chinese, a majority of members of the Three Stars (Communist Party) took the opportunity for revenge. Also aggravating is because, most of the Chinese people and the Communist Party of Malaya Malay majority to the security forces during the Emergency period in 1948-1960.

Separation of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965 as a result of the concept of "Malaysia for Malaysians" who were not directly dispute the position and privileges of the Malays has diapi-inflammatory by Lee Kuan Yew sparked anti-Chinese and anti-Malay. Events eventually lead to the bloody May 13, 1969 It has claimed many lives and properties are manifestations of inter-ethnic relations in Malaya which is waiting on crack. Events May 13, 1969 occurred as soon as the 1969 general election results are known.

Chaos and bloodshed that occurred on May 13, 1969 that has forced the government to declare a state of emergency. His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the then prime minister immediately declared a state of emergency throughout the country. effective May 16, 1969 Declaration has resulted in a parliamentary system is suspended. On the recommendation of the Prime Minister, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has appointed Tun Razak bin Dato Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister at that time as director of the National Operations Council (NOC), which is responsible for exercising the powers of the Federal government on the authority delegated by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

National Consultative Council was established to ensure the effectiveness of the NOC, the National Consultative Council is responsible to discuss and examine issues of national unity and to find ways to solve the problem of a plural society. The Council found that one of the most significant problems identified are structural plural society in Malaysia. It appears society is still divided on the basis of race, religion and occupation. Unity is to be achieved not only with the consolidation race but is found economic and social integration also needs to be done. In connection with the National Consultative Council has agreed to establish a national ideology that became known as the Pillars of the five key principles of belief in God, loyalty to king and country, the supremacy of the constitution, rule of law and decency and literature

DEB formation

NEP also established through the National Consultative Council as a catalyst to eradicate poverty and restructure society. National Consultative Council has also proposed to the government to create the Department of National Unity to implement the activities of the Council in the form of goodwill Goodwill and Goodwill office at the federal, state, county and regions have been established under the provisions of the Essential Regulations (Goodwill Councils) Act 1969 which was gazetted on July 18, 1969.

Development plans under the NEP as we know it is organized and carried out through a two-pronged to reduce and eventually eradicate poverty by memperbanyakan employment opportunities to all people regardless of race and restructuring society to reduce and eventually eliminate the identification of race with functions.

Poverty is the main reason that caused feeling of dissatisfaction among the people. It is not only in rural but also urban. This could threaten national unity because the problem of poverty is by people with the highest poverty rate among the Malays, who focused on traditional agricultural activities. Attempts have been made to solve the problem of economic and social development projects have been developed in order to create jobs for all those people who are unemployed, increasing productivity and income, transfer opportunities people working in low productivity sector to a more lucrative sector, reduce income disparity between races between rural and urban areas and between regions, the modernization of rural life, creating a group of indigenous enterprise and trade, organized work environment that reflects the racial composition in Malaysia and finally to improve the standard and quality of life through health education as , training, facilities and other infrastructure.

It is the government's intention that by 1990 the ownership of shares or the economy will reflect the composition of the importance of race in this country, where indigenous participation of 30%, non-indigenous 40% and 30% of investors from abroad. In NEP achieve this restructuring, several strategies have been compiled, by increasing productivity and living standards of the poor through the process of modernizing the rural areas, reducing the imbalances in the structure of employment which are now on a progressive basis and through the growth of the economy as a whole so that in 1990 the labor force reflects the number of people. In the implementation of the NEP can also add even more quickly in the Malaysian capital ownership in the company stock and economic growth. In addition, the NEP would also establish a commercial and industrial community among the Malays and Bumiputeras in order to develop and own 30% of the economy in 1990 and set out a number of agencies such as MARA, Bank of Development, Bank Bumiputera and Amanah Saham Nasional and finally develop states and regions that are considered backward through the development of new territories like virgin, IMR, KEJORA, KEDA and others.

New Economic Policy with the aim of national unity through the process of eradicating poverty and restructuring in the context of national security mesyarakat strong. All national development programs and policies of the current government introduced are designed and implemented to achieve the above goals. This requires not only strong efforts from the government and staff, but it would require a change of attitude, energy and minds of the people from various sectors, especially the private sector.


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