- dapat membina jati diri dan menanam semangat cintakan tanah air
- mengetahui lebih mendalam sejarah negara
- berkongsi maklumat mengenai sejarah negara
- mengetahui pelbagai rintangan yang dihadapi dalam mencapai kemerdekaan
- sentiasa menjaga dan menghargai kemerdekaan yang dikecapi daripada titik peluh pejuang
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Next, the formulation and implementation of policies is
determined by consistent values of socio-economic and political state at a
time. Due to its dynamic nature, changing government policies, according to the
community and leadership from time to time. However, basically the government's
policies are formulated and implemented to meet the socio-economic objectives
such as economic growth, income distribution, stability and general wellbeing.
In Malaysia, the government's policies, particularly the policies of development
with the objective of achieving goals such as 2020 for the purpose of making
Malaysia a developed industrial country and has many features. Not only that,
the government also implemented a policy is aimed at achieving the goals of the
National Development Policy (NDP) and economic growth and equitable
Among the policies undertaken by the government is the New
Economics Policy (NEP), the National Development Policy which this policy is
established with the aim to strengthen our economy Malaysia. While social
policy created is the National Education Policy and the Look East Policy.
Moreover, the government has also formulate foreign policies with the purpose
of safeguarding the interests of Malaysia in terms of economic and social policy
is the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) and Antarctic Policy.
New Economic Policy (NEP)
NEP is a socio-economic program, which was introduced in
Malaysia in 1971 by Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak Dato 'Hussein. Explicit goal
of the NEP was to achieve national unity and national integration and it has
been drafted in the context of a two-pronged strategy to reduce and eventually
eradicate poverty by increasing income and increasing employment opportunities
for all Malaysians regardless of race and accelerate the process of
restructuring Malaysian society to correct economic imbalances so as to reduce
and eventually eliminate the identification of race with economic function.
This policy has been replaced by the National Development Policy (NDP) in 1991,
however, the elements of this policy is still in place and will be replaced
gradually when the natives have to have confidence.
History Of NEP
Implementation British divide and rule policy has aggravated
the social cohesion in Malaya. Racial classification refers to employment and
education systems to avoid interaction between different population in Malaya,
comprising three main clumps code text of the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
Through this policy the Malays mostly residing in rural areas (villages) and
worked as farmers and fishermen, the Chinese people living in urban areas and
mining as well as working as a dealer and tin miners, while the Indians mostly
live in the farms and worked as a laborer, has indirectly created suspiciously
suspicious of each other, which is a time bomb at the heart of events May 13,
Bloody events that occurred on May 13, 1969 has revealed the
true manifestation of the three largest ethnic feelings in Malaysia. Since the
country gained independence on August 31, 1957, found the Malays still far
behind in terms of control of the economy and education in Malaya, as the
majority of the Malays living in rural areas. While the Chinese to master the
more advanced business and other economic areas as they live in urban areas and
in control of mining. Thus arise the awareness among the Malays who feel that
they have been left behind and marginalized in their own land due to poverty.
For the Chinese and Indians, they worry about the conditions of citizenship
rights even though some of them were willing to shed loyalty to Malaya.
Since the Japanese occupation during the Second World War,
the Japanese adopted a policy of anti-Chinese and pro-Malay and angered Chinese
prejudices against the Malays. When Japan surrendered, and before the arrival
of the British, the Chinese, a majority of members of the Three Stars
(Communist Party) took the opportunity for revenge. Also aggravating is
because, most of the Chinese people and the Communist Party of Malaya Malay
majority to the security forces during the Emergency period in 1948-1960.
Separation of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965 as a result of
the concept of "Malaysia for Malaysians" who were not directly
dispute the position and privileges of the Malays has diapi-inflammatory by Lee
Kuan Yew sparked anti-Chinese and anti-Malay. Events eventually lead to the
bloody May 13, 1969 It has claimed many lives and properties are manifestations
of inter-ethnic relations in Malaya which is waiting on crack. Events May 13,
1969 occurred as soon as the 1969 general election results are known.
Chaos and bloodshed that occurred on May 13, 1969 that has
forced the government to declare a state of emergency. His Majesty the Yang
di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the then prime minister immediately declared
a state of emergency throughout the country. effective May 16, 1969 Declaration
has resulted in a parliamentary system is suspended. On the recommendation of
the Prime Minister, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has appointed Tun Razak bin Dato
Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister at that time as director of the National
Operations Council (NOC), which is responsible for exercising the powers of the
Federal government on the authority delegated by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
National Consultative Council was established to ensure the
effectiveness of the NOC, the National Consultative Council is responsible to
discuss and examine issues of national unity and to find ways to solve the
problem of a plural society. The Council found that one of the most significant
problems identified are structural plural society in Malaysia. It appears
society is still divided on the basis of race, religion and occupation. Unity
is to be achieved not only with the consolidation race but is found economic
and social integration also needs to be done. In connection with the National
Consultative Council has agreed to establish a national ideology that became
known as the Pillars of the five key principles of belief in God, loyalty to
king and country, the supremacy of the constitution, rule of law and decency
and literature
DEB formation
NEP also established through the National Consultative
Council as a catalyst to eradicate poverty and restructure society. National
Consultative Council has also proposed to the government to create the
Department of National Unity to implement the activities of the Council in the
form of goodwill Goodwill and Goodwill office at the federal, state, county and
regions have been established under the provisions of the Essential Regulations
(Goodwill Councils) Act 1969 which was gazetted on July 18, 1969.
Development plans under the NEP as we know it is organized
and carried out through a two-pronged to reduce and eventually eradicate
poverty by memperbanyakan employment opportunities to all people regardless of
race and restructuring society to reduce and eventually eliminate the
identification of race with functions.
Poverty is the main reason that caused feeling of
dissatisfaction among the people. It is not only in rural but also urban. This
could threaten national unity because the problem of poverty is by people with
the highest poverty rate among the Malays, who focused on traditional
agricultural activities. Attempts have been made to solve the problem of
economic and social development projects have been developed in order to create
jobs for all those people who are unemployed, increasing productivity and
income, transfer opportunities people working in low productivity sector to a
more lucrative sector, reduce income disparity between races between rural and
urban areas and between regions, the modernization of rural life, creating a
group of indigenous enterprise and trade, organized work environment that
reflects the racial composition in Malaysia and finally to improve the standard
and quality of life through health education as , training, facilities and
other infrastructure.
It is the government's intention that by 1990 the ownership
of shares or the economy will reflect the composition of the importance of race
in this country, where indigenous participation of 30%, non-indigenous 40% and
30% of investors from abroad. In NEP achieve this restructuring, several
strategies have been compiled, by increasing productivity and living standards
of the poor through the process of modernizing the rural areas, reducing the
imbalances in the structure of employment which are now on a progressive basis
and through the growth of the economy as a whole so that in 1990 the labor
force reflects the number of people. In the implementation of the NEP can also
add even more quickly in the Malaysian capital ownership in the company stock
and economic growth. In addition, the NEP would also establish a commercial and
industrial community among the Malays and Bumiputeras in order to develop and
own 30% of the economy in 1990 and set out a number of agencies such as MARA,
Bank of Development, Bank Bumiputera and Amanah Saham Nasional and finally
develop states and regions that are considered backward through the development
of new territories like virgin, IMR, KEJORA, KEDA and others.
New Economic Policy with the aim of national unity through
the process of eradicating poverty and restructuring in the context of national
security mesyarakat strong. All national development programs and policies of
the current government introduced are designed and implemented to achieve the
above goals. This requires not only strong efforts from the government and
staff, but it would require a change of attitude, energy and minds of the
people from various sectors, especially the private sector.
adalah sebuah negara yang penduduknya terdiri dari pelbagai kaum yang
mengamalkan cara hidup yang tersendiri. Perbezaan ini dapat dilihat melalui
bahasa, politik ,ekonomi , tempat tinggal dan hubungan sosial. Masyarakat
Malaysia terdiri daripada kaum Cina, kaum India, kaum Melayu. Manakala di Sabah
dan Sarawak terdapat kaum Kadazan,Iban
,Kayan, Bajau, Bidayuh dan banyak lagi. Mereka ini juga dianggap sebagai kaum
Bumiputera selain orang-orang Melayu termasuk orang Asli . Intergasi pula
membawa maksud penyatuan kelompok masyarakat yang mempuntai latar belakang yang
berbeza ,lalu menjadi satu entiti yang terikat oleh nilai serta kepentingan
bersama. Ia juga berperanan untuk menyatupadukan pelbagai kelompok dalam
masyarakat melalui identiti bersama
kerana perpaduan rakyat menjadi teras kepada kemerdekaan negara yang berdaulat.
Malaysia seperti negara lain yang ingin mencapai kemajuan
dan negara kita sedang menuju negara maju berdasarkan Wawasan 2020.Oleh itu untuk mencapai impian ini negara
mestilah menyatupadukan semua kaum dengan melaksanakan pelbagai dasar seperti
Rukun Negara , Dasar Pendidikan, Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan , Dasar Ekonomi
Baru, Wawasan 2020 dan Dasar Pembangunan Negara.Justeru itu semua kaum di
Malaysia diwajibkan memahami , menerima , menghormati dan mengamalkan nilai
hidup dan identiti yang sama bagi membentuk rakyat yang sama selaras dengan
impian konsep 1Malaysia.
etnik yang mantap sangat perlu dalam kalangan rakyat sesebuah negara yang mempunyai kepelbagaian kaum yang terdiri dari
kaum Melayu , kaum Cina dan kaum India . Kaum-kaum ini juga terdiri daripada
pelbagai agama, bahasa, budaya dan etnik
yang tersendiri. Kaum Melayu terdiri daripada etnik Jawa. Bugis , Rawa , Banjar
yang datang dari kepulauan Indonesia. Manakala kaum Cina terdiri daripada
etnik Kwangsi, Hakka, hokien , Kantonis, Teochem dan Hainan. Bagi kaum India
pula mereka terdiri dari kasta Maruthuvar,Vanniyar ,Thevar ,Nadar ,Yadhavar dan
Adhi Dravidar. Kesemua etnik ini mempunyai bahasa yang berbeza dan cara
hidup yang berbeza.
Oleh itu kerajaan
mestilah berusaha untuk menyatukan hubungan etnik, perpaduan dan integrasi amat
penting bagi mewujudkan kestabilan politik dan seterusnya pembangunan negara
berjalan rancak tanpa sebarang gangguan ataupun berlakunya prasangka antara
kaum.Selain itu juga Integrasi kaum dan
hubungan etnik sangat penting supaya tenaga negara dapat disalurkan kepada
memajukan negara .Selaras dengan harapan pemimpin negara untuk mencapai negara
maju menjelang 2020.Sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai pelbagai kaum dan
etnik, perkara ini dianggap penting kerana kemajuan sesebuah negara adalah
bergantung kepada perpaduan rakyat di negara . Lantaran itu Perdana Menteri
Malaysia iaitu Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak telah menekankan tentang
pentingnya perpaduan kaum atau integrasi kaum di negara ini diperkukuhkan
melalui slogannya iaitu ‘Satu Malaysia’ dengan perkara asas yang perlu
diwujudkan dalam semangat perpaduan adalah perasaan hormat-menghormati sesama
utama yang menghalang intergrasi kaum dan hubungan etnik di negara kita adalah
bersangkutan dengan nilai hidup iaitu prasangka, perkauman , etnosentrisme ,
sosioekonomi dan pemisahan fizikal.
Kesemua perkara ini membawa perpecahan antara kaum dan etnik kerana mereka
masih kukuh kepada peranan tradisional dan berpegang teguh kepada nilai-nilai
yang terbatas antara kaum. Masalah hubungan etnik dan intergrasi kaum ini
berpunca daripada dasar-dasar British ketika menjajah Tanah Melayu dulu.
prasangka buruk antara kaum dan mengutamakan etnik sendiri menjadi penghalang
kepada perpaduan antara kaum dan bercorak generalisasi dan stereotaip di atas
bukti-bukti yang tidak kukuh.Masalah prasangka buruk antara kaum ini
bermula dari Era Penjajahan British yang menjalankan pemerintahan Dasar Pecah dan
Belah yang telah menjarakkan perpaduan antara kaum. Begitu juga Era Pendudukan
Jepun yang telah mengamalkan sikap berat
sebelah dengan semangat anti-Cina telah memberi peluang kepada kaum Melayu
membabitkan diri dalam bidang perniagaan keadaan ini telah menimbulkan
kemarahan kaum Cina .Setelah Jepun menyerah kalah kaum Cina telah
mengambil tindakan dengan membalas dendam kepada kaum Melayu ,kesannya
berlakulah pergaduhan antara kaum.
Manakala perkauman pula merupakan sikap mementingkan kumpulan
etnik sendiri dalam bidang politik ,ekonomi dan sosial atau kebudayaan dimana
satu-satu etnik memntingkan kaumnya sendiri. Sikap perkauman ini boleh
menwujudkan hubungan yang tegang dan menjarakkan sosial antara individu. Sikap
perkauman ini boleh menghalang perpaduan rakyat sekali gus merencatkan kemajuan
negara.Etnosentrisme pula merujuk kepada kepercayaan bahawa unsur-unsur
budaya sendiri adalah yang terbaik dari budaya etnik lain. Sikap ini menghalang
interaksi dan pergaulan yang luas antara kaum dan etnik.
Kedudukan geografi juga mempengaruhi masalah integrasi kaum
dan hubungan etnik kerana jarak yang jauh menyukarkan perhubungan dan sukar
mengenali etnik lain. Sebagai contoh kedudukan Sabah dan Sarawak yang terpisah
dengan Semenanjung Malaysia sukar untuk berhubung dan ia boleh menimbulkan
prasangka antara kaum dan etnik.
Dalam Perlembagaan terkandung beberapa perkara yang menjurus
kepada kesamarataan kaum seperti hak istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputera dan kerakyataan bagi kaum Cina dan
kaum India. Bagi hak istimewa kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera adalah bertujuan
untuk membangunkan kaum Melayu demi
menyumbangkan kedudukan ekonomi dan sosial anata kaum. Kewujudan Akta
keselamatan Dalam Negari (ISA) adalah
bertujuan menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan dalam negeri dengan tujuan utama
mencegah daripada sesiapa rakyat membangkitkan isu-isu sensitiv di khalayak
ramai bagi menjaga persefahaman rakyat. Penyatuan parti-parti berbilang kaum
seperti Barisan Nasional adalah sangat wajar bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang
dihadapi dengan penuh kesamarataan.
Dalam bidang ekonomi pula ketidaksamarataan telah mewujudkan
jurang yang sangat besar antara kaum dan etnik dan ia menjadi penghalang kepada
integrasi dan perpaduan kaum serta etnik.
Lantaran itu kerajaan telah mewujudkan usahawan-usahawan Melayu dengan
cara memberi bantuan, pinjaman ,lessen dan kontrak pekerjaan.Di samping
itu juga agensi kerajaan seperti PERNAS,MARA dan UDA turut membantu orang
Melayu dengan aktif terutama dalam bidang perniagaan agar matlamat Dasar
Ekonomi Baru tercapai. Kerajaan juga mengalakkan kaum bumiputera membeli saham
tajaan kerajaan seperti MARA dan PNB. Tidak ketinggalan juga kerajaan telah
membangunkan tanah seperti FELDA, RISDA , KEJORA , KESEDAR dan FELCRA untuk
mermbangunkan kedudukan ekonomi dan sosial kaum bumiputera.
Pembangunan tanah secara berkelompok atau menggunakan
pendekatan agropolitan akan dilaksanakan untuk pembangunan pertanian kepada masyarakat
Orang Asli serta Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Pemberian tanah ini untuk
golongan ini akan membolehkan mereka memajukan dengan bantuan kerajaan. Di
samping itu mereka turut diberi akses yang lebih baik kepada infrastruktur dan kemudahan awam seperti jalan, pendidikan
dan kemahiran. Kerajaan tidak mahu ada golongan atau kumpulan yang tertinggal
dalam pelaksanaan RMK 10 kerana keadilan sosial perlu diutamakan. Pemberian
tanah serta usaha memajukan pertanian secara berkelompok membolehkan mereka menikmati pendapatan yang
lebih lumayan.
Dalam bidang sosial dan kebudayaan amalan pengkongsian
pelbagai kaum dan etnik telah dilakukan semenjak merdeka lagi terutama dalam
bidang pendidikan .Kurikulum pendidikan juga telah diubahsuai bagi pengenalan
kepada unsur budaya pelbagai kaum dan etnik yang terdapat di Negara kita.
Pengiktirafan kerajaan terhadap kepentingan pendidikan yang berteraskan agama
juga tidak ketinggalan dalam perancangan RMK10. Bantuan merupa dana tahunan
disediakan untuk sekolah-sekolah agama, sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil
juga kepada sekolah mubaligh . Ia adalah bertujuan memupuk hubungan antara kaum
dan etnik, supaya kaum-kaum lain yang terdapat di Negara kita tidak terasa
dipinggirkan oleh kerajaan.
Satu daripada penanda aras atau indikator negara maju ialah
penjagaan dan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang lengkap di samping rakyatnya sihat
dan cerdas. Penyediaan kemudahan kesihatan yang menyeluruh serta bertaraf dunia
telah lama dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan. Kerajaan sentiasa memastikan tidak ada
kawasan atau rakyat yang tidak mendapat perkhidmatan kesihatan di negara ini.
Sejak RMK pertama hingga RMK10
perkhidmatan kesihatan sentiasa diberi perhatian yang serius oleh kerajaan. Banyak
hospital, pusat kesihatan, klinik, klinik bergerak tidak ketinggalan juga
hospital pakar telah banyak didirikan di setiap negeri dalam negara ini.
Peruntukan yang berbilion ringgit setiap tahun telah diberi kepada sektor
kesihatan bagi menjamin kualiti kesihatan kepada rakyat. Ia dalaha bertujuan
menjamin kesihatan rakyat terjamin tanpa mengira bangsa contohnya dengan
kewujudan Klinik 1 Malaysia. Tanpa mengira lokasi sama ada bandar, pedalaman
atau taman perumahan, kerajaan sentiasa menyediakan kemudahan kesihatan kepada
rakyat. Tidak ada mana-mana kawasan atau rakyat yang terpinggir daripada
menikmati peluang kesihatan percuma di negara ini. Keprihatinan kerajaan
menyediakan kemudahan kesihatan bertujuan mewujudkan rakyat Malaysia yang
sihat, cergas dan mampu melaksanakan pembangunan untuk negara atau menyumbang
secara yang mampu.
Kemewahan dan nikmat pembangunan yang dikecapi rakyat
Malaysia kini telah menyebabkan pertambahan bilangan pesakit. Pelbagai penyakit
sama ada kronik atau wabak semakin bertambah di negara ini menyebabkan
kebanyakan hospital kerajaan menjadi sesak. Prihatin dengan situasi ini,
kerajaan sentiasa menambah bilangan hospital dengan membina bangunan tambahan
atau baru. Empat buah hospital baru dan empat yang akan dinaik tarafkan telah disediakan untuk memberi kemudahan dan
keselesaan kepada rakyat yang memerlukan rawatan.Konsep kebudayaan nasional
telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1970 adalah bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan
identity nasional. Di Negara kita kebudayaan nasional adalah berasaskan
kebudayaan Melayu di samping menerima unsur-unsur kebudayaan lain .
penyatupadukan kaum dan etnik di Negara kita jelas Berjaya apabila perkongsian
kuasa politik telah terjalin dengan jayanya sebagai contoh dalam UMNO. Begitu juga dalam sistem demokrasi berpalimen yang diamalkan di Negara kita .Setiap
ahli politik yang mewakili diberi kuasa untuk menyuarakan pendapat dari
pelbagai etnik ,walau bagaimanapun masih terikat dengan undang-undang yang
telah kita setujui bersama ketika perlembagaan Tanah Melayu hendak dibentuk
dulu. Setiap rakyat juga diberi
kebebasan bersuara untuk menjaga kepentingan diri dan keluarga tetapi masih
terikat dengan undang-undang dan peraturan tertentu . Semua ini bertujuan untuk
menjaga intergrasi kaum dan hubungan etnik supaya sentiasa terjalin dengan
Sebenarnya ekonomilah yang memainkan peranan yang sangat
penting dalam memupuk integrasi kaum dan hubungan etnik yang mesra .Pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang berterusan dan baik dapat meningkatkan perpaduan yang utuh.
Disamping itu kerajaan juga dapat mengendalikan program ekonomi yang lebih
berkesan, sebagai contoh komuniti kaum Melayu telah semakin maju dalam bidang
ekonomi dan terlibat aktif dalam bidang
perniagaan. Melalui DEB yang mempunyai serampang dua mata juga telah Berjaya
memenuhi keperluan semua kaum dan etnik dan tidak merugikan sesiapapun.
Tolak ansur dalam budaya juga telah menambahkan kemesraan
antara kaum dan etnik apabila bahasa Melayu dijadikan bahasa rasmi dan bahasa
ibunda lain masih boleh digunakan dengan bebas tanpa sekatan. Kaum-kaum lain
dan kumpulan etnik bebas mempelajari bahasa ibunda tanpa dikenakan hukuman.
Begitu juga dengan amalan budaya lain masih boleh diteruskan oleh komuniti
walaupun budaya Melayu jelas diamalkan di Negara kita. Tolak ansur ini
bertujuan menjaga perasaan semua kaum dan etnik di Negara kita supaya semua
prasangkaan dapat dihapuskan. Kerajaan juga tidak lupa menganjurkan kongsi raya
bagi mewujudkan penyatuan dalam konsep 1 Malaysia. Begitu juga kunjungan
muhibah yang diadakan sempena rumah terbuka setiap kali perayaan yang diadakan
oleh Perdana Menteri dan ahli kabinet lain.
Sumber: http://monas-personakasih.blogspot.com/
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Parlimen Malaysia melambangkan keutuhan demokrasi berparlimen
Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen
Malaysia mengamalkan Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen di bawah pentadbiran Raja Berperlembagaan dengan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong sebagai Ketua Negara. Perlembagaan negara telah digubal dengan mengadakan syarat-syarat untuk pengalaman sistem ini. Salah satu syarat sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen adalah pembahagian kuasa kepada tiga bahagian di dalam pemerintahan, iaitu Perundangan, Kehakiman dan Pentadbiran atau Eksekutif.
Malaysia juga merupakan sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem Demokrasi berasaskan kepada sistem Persekutuan. Sehubungan dengan itu, ia bermakna negeri-negeri Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak , Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sarawak dan Sabah telah bersetuju dengan konsep penubuhan Negara Malaysia.
Setiap negeri yang terbabit telah menyerahkan sebahagian kuasa masing-masing, seperti kewangan, pertahanan, pelajaran, luar negara dan lain-lain lagi seperti mana yang telah tercatat di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia yang di tadbir oleh Kerajaan Pusat. Ada perkara-perkara yang dijadikan kuasa negeri dan negeri akan mentadbirkan kuasa.
Sebagai sebuah negara Raja Berperlembagaan, maka diperuntukan oleh Perlembagaan institusi Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Raja-raja Melayu di sembilan buah negeri dan Majlis Raja-raja. Baginda adalah diberi kuasa untuk memelihara adat istiadat orang Melayu dan Pentadbiran Agama Islam di negeri masing-masing. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong adalah Ketua Agama Islam bagi negeri-negeri Pulau Pinang, Sabah, Sarawak, dan Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan.
Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong juga menjadi Kepala Utama Negara dan Baginda adalah Pemerintah Tertinggi Angkatan Tentera Negara. Baginda akan menjalankan tugas-tugas dibawah Perlembagaan mengikut nasihat Perdana Menteri atau Jemaah menteri . Raja-raja pula menjadi Ketua Negeri masing-masing dan menjalankan tugas mengikut nasihat Menteri-menteri Besar atau Ketua-ketua Menteri.
Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong menandatangani Surat Sumpah Jawatan dan Ikrar Taat Setia pada Istiadat Mengangkat Sumpah mememang jawatan YDA X111 pada 13 Disember 2006
(Sumber: Perpustakaan Foto Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia)
Yang di-Pertuan Agong
Parlimen Persekutuan mengandungi Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan dua Dewan iaitu Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat.
Perkara 55, Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa hanya Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong sahaja yang boleh memanggil Parlimen untuk bersidang. Baginda juga mempunyai kuasa istimewa untuk memberhenti atau membubarkan Parlimen.
Dengan demikian Yang di-Pertuan Agong diperlukan oleh Perlembagaan untuk memanggil Parlimen bermesyuarat dalam masa enam bulan antara persidangan yang akhir dalam satu penggal yang kemudiannya.
Bagi Dewan Rakyat, Ketua atau Timbalan Ketua Majlis hendaklah menetapkan sekurang-kurangnya 28 hari sebelum permulaan tiap-tiap penggal, tarikh-tarikh majlis akan bermesyuarat dalam penggal itu. Walau bagaimanapun , Ketua atau Timbalan Ketua Majlis boleh mengubah tarikh-tarikh yang ditetapkan itu dari masa ke semasa.
Parlimen Persekutuan merupakan badan perundangan yang tertinggi di Malaysia. Melainkan jika dibubarkan terlebih dahulu. Parlimen akan terus berjalan selama lima tahun, dari tarikh mesyuarat pertamanya selepas Pilihanraya Umum.
Pada penghujung tempoh lima tahun ini, Parlimen dengan sendirinya dibubarkan dan dalam masa 60 hari dari tarikh pembubaran Parlimen, Pilihanraya Umum bagi memilih wakil-wakil untuk Dewan Rakyat hendaklah diadakan, dan Parlimen dipanggil bermesyuarat pada suatu tarikh yang tidak lewat daripada 120 hari dari tarikh pembubarannya
Struktur Parlimen Malaysia
Parlimen Malaysia terdiri daripada tiga komponen:-
1. Yang Di-Pertuan Agong
2. Dewan Negara
3. Dewan Rakyat
2. Dewan Negara
3. Dewan Rakyat
Sumber: Parlimen Malaysia
http://pmr.penerangan.gov.my/index.php/penafian/1201-demokrasi-berparlimen.htmlDISEDIAKAN OLEH:NUUR QURRATU'AINI BINTI JAMIL
Humans need religion at all times
Religion in Arabic called din. In addition to religious means, said means also confident din , power submission, compliance ,reply, rules and advice. Religion does contain the rules and laws that must be complied with humans. Religion has the power to make people submissive and obedient to God. People submissive and obedient to God will get reward from God, while the non-compliant will get punishment from God.
While science and technology are growing rapidly, people still need religion. Science and technology can not give an answer to the question about the meaning and purpose of human life, which can only be answered by religion.
This means that people, even given the ability of the mind to be able to think about and organize their lives, unable to fully achieve an orderly life without religious rules. This is due to that the mind has certain limitations and is unlikely to achieve the overall truth is, while the rules of religion, as revealed by Allah as the creator of man, can show the real truths, which may not be reached by the human mind.
While this tendency of modern man to return to the religion stronger. Concern that religion will be left turned out to be proven. Religion still needed by humans over time. There are various motivations that make people convert to a religion. People also need clarification on questions about the meaning, origin and purpose of life. The answer to all of that can only be derived from religion.
Formerly many thinkers who predicted that religion would be broken because it is no longer needed by modern humans who were so advanced in science and technology. Then came the people who deny the existence of God, called the atheist.
However, the concern that religion will be abandoned by modern man turned out to be true. Over the last decade occurred resurrection religions all over the world, which is characterized among other things by increasing visits to places of worship, religious talks and publishing religious books.
A view of religion is determined by his understanding of the teachings of the religion itself. The influence of the church in Europe oppress their discovery by scientists who are considered contrary to the scriptures, the scientists finally away from religion even leave.
The question is the subject of the trial we like it or not will continue to emerge. Is religion still relevant to today's life cerminannya as described above? Before responding, must first be answered: Is man able to escape from religion? Or are other alternatives that can replace it?
In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.
Pharaoh's tyranny and felt himself to be God even in the end repent and want religion but love because it was too late. Because religion is nature, then it can not and should not be forced. Why should oblige? God does not need the force and eventually even Him and His religion is acknowledged. Is not that the nature of religion?
This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.
Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.
William James pointed out that humans still have the instinct for anxiety, worry hope, for it is they worship (communion with God). That's why fear is one of the biggest motivations for religion.
Murtadha Muthahhari explains, most of the functions and the role of religion in this life can not be played by science and technology. Obviously, the knowledge to accelerate our goal. Religion determines the way. Humans adapt to environmental science and religion adapts to his identity. Knowledge is the ornament of birth and religion inner decoration. Knowledge gives power and illuminate the road, while the religion of hope and encouragement for the soul.
Knowledge to answer questions that begin with how and religion answered that begin with why. Knowledge is always muddy owners mind while soothing the soul of religion is always sincere adherents. Is not it a fact of life of Western society prove that?
Include human mind, soul and body. No rational mind or territory. Not all issues can be resolved or even facing the mind. Art can not be measured solely by the intellect as a role here is the heart.
In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.
Is the success of this will be extended to produce living creatures that can host for the author himself?
Is this good or bad? Who can answer it is the religious values and not art nor philosophy. Even all the sophistication of the latest research will produce (saw) the authority of God. In this regard Allah says in the Quran: Will We showed signs of (greatness) We're in space to prove to them that He (God) is real. (Fussilat verse 53).
So what is expressed by the country's first astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukur when I first saw the earth from space the first thing that comes to mind is that of admiration for the greatness of Allah the Almighty.
If so, then there is no other alternative that can replace religion. Those who ignore it had created a new religion in order to satisfy his soul. However, without the religious
In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.
This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.
Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.
In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.
Religion in Arabic called din. In addition to religious means, said means also confident din , power submission, compliance ,reply, rules and advice. Religion does contain the rules and laws that must be complied with humans. Religion has the power to make people submissive and obedient to God. People submissive and obedient to God will get reward from God, while the non-compliant will get punishment from God.
While science and technology are growing rapidly, people still need religion. Science and technology can not give an answer to the question about the meaning and purpose of human life, which can only be answered by religion.
This means that people, even given the ability of the mind to be able to think about and organize their lives, unable to fully achieve an orderly life without religious rules. This is due to that the mind has certain limitations and is unlikely to achieve the overall truth is, while the rules of religion, as revealed by Allah as the creator of man, can show the real truths, which may not be reached by the human mind.
While this tendency of modern man to return to the religion stronger. Concern that religion will be left turned out to be proven. Religion still needed by humans over time. There are various motivations that make people convert to a religion. People also need clarification on questions about the meaning, origin and purpose of life. The answer to all of that can only be derived from religion.
Formerly many thinkers who predicted that religion would be broken because it is no longer needed by modern humans who were so advanced in science and technology. Then came the people who deny the existence of God, called the atheist.
However, the concern that religion will be abandoned by modern man turned out to be true. Over the last decade occurred resurrection religions all over the world, which is characterized among other things by increasing visits to places of worship, religious talks and publishing religious books.
A view of religion is determined by his understanding of the teachings of the religion itself. The influence of the church in Europe oppress their discovery by scientists who are considered contrary to the scriptures, the scientists finally away from religion even leave.
The question is the subject of the trial we like it or not will continue to emerge. Is religion still relevant to today's life cerminannya as described above? Before responding, must first be answered: Is man able to escape from religion? Or are other alternatives that can replace it?
In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.
Pharaoh's tyranny and felt himself to be God even in the end repent and want religion but love because it was too late. Because religion is nature, then it can not and should not be forced. Why should oblige? God does not need the force and eventually even Him and His religion is acknowledged. Is not that the nature of religion?
This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.
Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.
William James pointed out that humans still have the instinct for anxiety, worry hope, for it is they worship (communion with God). That's why fear is one of the biggest motivations for religion.
Murtadha Muthahhari explains, most of the functions and the role of religion in this life can not be played by science and technology. Obviously, the knowledge to accelerate our goal. Religion determines the way. Humans adapt to environmental science and religion adapts to his identity. Knowledge is the ornament of birth and religion inner decoration. Knowledge gives power and illuminate the road, while the religion of hope and encouragement for the soul.
Knowledge to answer questions that begin with how and religion answered that begin with why. Knowledge is always muddy owners mind while soothing the soul of religion is always sincere adherents. Is not it a fact of life of Western society prove that?
Include human mind, soul and body. No rational mind or territory. Not all issues can be resolved or even facing the mind. Art can not be measured solely by the intellect as a role here is the heart.
In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.
Is the success of this will be extended to produce living creatures that can host for the author himself?
Is this good or bad? Who can answer it is the religious values and not art nor philosophy. Even all the sophistication of the latest research will produce (saw) the authority of God. In this regard Allah says in the Quran: Will We showed signs of (greatness) We're in space to prove to them that He (God) is real. (Fussilat verse 53).
So what is expressed by the country's first astronaut Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukur when I first saw the earth from space the first thing that comes to mind is that of admiration for the greatness of Allah the Almighty.
If so, then there is no other alternative that can replace religion. Those who ignore it had created a new religion in order to satisfy his soul. However, without the religious
In the Islamic view, keberagamaan is something inherent in the nature of man and carried from birth. Because religion is appropriate to the nature or identity, then it is certainly practiced by humans, if not from a young age, but by the end of the age.
This means that people can not escape from religion. God created this because religion is a necessity of life. It is so old people can postpone, probably until about the death. But in the end, before the soul leaves the body, it will feel the importance of that need.
Human needs for water could be delayed longer than air requirements. Similarly, people's need for food is much shorter compared to the human need to channel the sexual instinct. Similarly, the human need for religion can be delayed but not permanently.
In conjunction with the development of science and technology, religion is utterly role, especially if people still want to be a man. Take the example of biotechnology. Human knowledge had come to the limits making it able to do (to dictate or implement) genetics.
Pengurus Penyelidik Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim).
Constitution of Malaysia, also known as the Federal Constitution. Malaysian Constitution is a written legal document that formed the basis of two previous documents of the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 and the 1957 Independence Constitution Malaysian Constitution was drafted based on the advice of the Reid Commission had conducted a study in 1956 of the Constitution takes effect immediately after independence on August 31, 1957.

The concept of the height of the Constitution are as follows: -
• Federal Constitution is the supreme law;
• Be a source of all law;
• There is no institution in Malaysia which can overcome the power and the Constitution;
• All laws can not be contrary to the Constitution;
• The Court has the authority to cancel any law passed by Parliament if contrary to the Constitution
• Although the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of state, but he is also subject to the Constitution.
The Constitution established the following purposes, namely: -
• Establish a fair form of government;
• Prevent the abuse of power by the government;
• Controlling the movement of government and people;
• tools to solve problems;
• Ensuring the history of nation states; and
• Ensuring the security and stability of the country.
Article 131 of the Malaysian Constitution contains a touching various aspects of the rule. The Constitution also contains 16 Part. The sections are: -
Part I: The States, Religion and the Law for the Federal
Malaysia is a federation which consists of thirteen states and three Federal Territories. Recognized Islam as the federal religion, but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony. The Constitution is the supreme law of the federation. Any law that is not in accordance with the Constitution is invalid.
Part II: Human Rights
This part sets out the fundamental freedoms that we have; the right to life and liberty; freedom from slavery and forced labor; equality before the law; freedom of movement; freedom of speech, assembly and associates; freedom of religion; right to education; and the right to own property.
Part III: Citizenship
One is a citizen of Malaysia by way; was born here; married to a Malaysian man or have one parent citizen; stay legally in the country for a period of time. Part III also specifies how an
may terminate and deprived of citizenship.
Part IV: Federal
This section provides a guide to the system of government in Malaysia. Head of federal Yang di-Pertuan Agong is elected by the Conference of Rulers for five years. Rulers composed of all the Kings states and also the President of the states that do not have a King. Part IV also created the Cabinet and the Prime Minister's Office. This section also establishes the parliament consisting of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the two Houses of Parliament, known as the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Part V: State-State
Each state has its own constitution and legislature known as the State Legislative Assembly. State Assembly has the power to enact certain laws. Rulers and Yang Di-Pertua Negeri shall have the right and privilege respectively. Part VI: Relations with the States of the Federal Division state division of powers between the federal and the states. There are things that allow the Parliament to enact laws and there are things that allow the State Assembly to enact laws. There are certain things in which both can make laws.
Part VII: Financial Provisions
Part VII states that the government can not impose taxes or spend money except by authority of law.
Part VIII: Elections
Part VIII states our rights as citizens to vote for our leaders. Body assigned to conduct all elections and providing electoral known as the Election Commission. The Election Commission is appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Part IX: Judiciary
Part IX establish the judicial system in Malaysia and express the things that can and can not be determined by the courts in Malaysia. Part IX also noted how the judges of the High Court, Court of Appeal and the Federal Court appointed.
Part X: Public Services
This section identifies the civil service in Malaysia, including the police, military and educational services. It also includes members of the public service as a service to the ministry and federal governments and the states. Appointment, promotion and dismissal of civil servants is determined by the "Commissions" and members of the Commissions are generally appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Part X also created the Office of the Attorney General.
Part XI: Special Powers Against Subversion, Organised Violence and Criminal Acts And Prejudicial to the Public and Emergency Powers.
Parliament has the power to enact laws that can turn the other rights in the Constitution during an emergency or for reasons of public safety.
Part XII: General and Miscellaneous
Malay is the national language. Yang di-Pertuan Agong is responsible for maintaining the special position of the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of the communities
other. This section also specifies how amendments can be made to the Constitution.
Part XIIA: Additional Protections For Sabah and Sarawak.
There are special provisions for Sabah and Sarawak, for example reservation of land for the indigenous natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
Part XIII: Provisional and transitional
This section explains how the law enacted before independence remains in force until Parliament enact a new law to replace them.
Part XIV: Exception To The Rule, etc.., & The Kings
Sovereignty, power, and authority perogratif Kings kept in Part XIV.
Part XV: Proceedings Against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers.
Under Part XV, proceedings by or against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Rulers should be brought before the "Special Court".
Malaysian Constitution has two documents Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 and 1957 Independence Constitution of a document written law the 1957 Independence Constitution in force immediately after its independence on August 31 1957.Perlembagaan Federation is the supreme law plan in being the source of all law -undang.Tiada law can be countered by the Constitution and the courts have the power to cancel any law passed by Parliament if the conflict with Malaysia Perlembagaan.Di no other institution can overcome the power and the Constitution.
Source: Book of Malaysia in 2009, Official Year Book
Department of Information of Malaysia
Constitution of Malaysia, also known as the Federal Constitution. Malaysian Constitution is a written legal document that formed the basis of two previous documents of the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 and the 1957 Independence Constitution Malaysian Constitution was drafted based on the advice of the Reid Commission had conducted a study in 1956 of the Constitution takes effect immediately after independence on August 31, 1957.
The concept of the height of the Constitution are as follows: -
• Federal Constitution is the supreme law;
• Be a source of all law;
• There is no institution in Malaysia which can overcome the power and the Constitution;
• All laws can not be contrary to the Constitution;
• The Court has the authority to cancel any law passed by Parliament if contrary to the Constitution
• Although the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of state, but he is also subject to the Constitution.
The Constitution established the following purposes, namely: -
• Establish a fair form of government;
• Prevent the abuse of power by the government;
• Controlling the movement of government and people;
• tools to solve problems;
• Ensuring the history of nation states; and
• Ensuring the security and stability of the country.
Article 131 of the Malaysian Constitution contains a touching various aspects of the rule. The Constitution also contains 16 Part. The sections are: -
Part I: The States, Religion and the Law for the Federal
Malaysia is a federation which consists of thirteen states and three Federal Territories. Recognized Islam as the federal religion, but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony. The Constitution is the supreme law of the federation. Any law that is not in accordance with the Constitution is invalid.
Part II: Human Rights
This part sets out the fundamental freedoms that we have; the right to life and liberty; freedom from slavery and forced labor; equality before the law; freedom of movement; freedom of speech, assembly and associates; freedom of religion; right to education; and the right to own property.
Part III: Citizenship
One is a citizen of Malaysia by way; was born here; married to a Malaysian man or have one parent citizen; stay legally in the country for a period of time. Part III also specifies how an
may terminate and deprived of citizenship.
Part IV: Federal
This section provides a guide to the system of government in Malaysia. Head of federal Yang di-Pertuan Agong is elected by the Conference of Rulers for five years. Rulers composed of all the Kings states and also the President of the states that do not have a King. Part IV also created the Cabinet and the Prime Minister's Office. This section also establishes the parliament consisting of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the two Houses of Parliament, known as the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Part V: State-State
Each state has its own constitution and legislature known as the State Legislative Assembly. State Assembly has the power to enact certain laws. Rulers and Yang Di-Pertua Negeri shall have the right and privilege respectively. Part VI: Relations with the States of the Federal Division state division of powers between the federal and the states. There are things that allow the Parliament to enact laws and there are things that allow the State Assembly to enact laws. There are certain things in which both can make laws.
Part VII: Financial Provisions
Part VII states that the government can not impose taxes or spend money except by authority of law.
Part VIII: Elections
Part VIII states our rights as citizens to vote for our leaders. Body assigned to conduct all elections and providing electoral known as the Election Commission. The Election Commission is appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Part IX: Judiciary
Part IX establish the judicial system in Malaysia and express the things that can and can not be determined by the courts in Malaysia. Part IX also noted how the judges of the High Court, Court of Appeal and the Federal Court appointed.
Part X: Public Services
This section identifies the civil service in Malaysia, including the police, military and educational services. It also includes members of the public service as a service to the ministry and federal governments and the states. Appointment, promotion and dismissal of civil servants is determined by the "Commissions" and members of the Commissions are generally appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Part X also created the Office of the Attorney General.
Part XI: Special Powers Against Subversion, Organised Violence and Criminal Acts And Prejudicial to the Public and Emergency Powers.
Parliament has the power to enact laws that can turn the other rights in the Constitution during an emergency or for reasons of public safety.
Part XII: General and Miscellaneous
Malay is the national language. Yang di-Pertuan Agong is responsible for maintaining the special position of the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of the communities
other. This section also specifies how amendments can be made to the Constitution.
Part XIIA: Additional Protections For Sabah and Sarawak.
There are special provisions for Sabah and Sarawak, for example reservation of land for the indigenous natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
Part XIII: Provisional and transitional
This section explains how the law enacted before independence remains in force until Parliament enact a new law to replace them.
Part XIV: Exception To The Rule, etc.., & The Kings
Sovereignty, power, and authority perogratif Kings kept in Part XIV.
Part XV: Proceedings Against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Rulers.
Under Part XV, proceedings by or against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Rulers should be brought before the "Special Court".
Malaysian Constitution has two documents Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 and 1957 Independence Constitution of a document written law the 1957 Independence Constitution in force immediately after its independence on August 31 1957.Perlembagaan Federation is the supreme law plan in being the source of all law -undang.Tiada law can be countered by the Constitution and the courts have the power to cancel any law passed by Parliament if the conflict with Malaysia Perlembagaan.Di no other institution can overcome the power and the Constitution.
Source: Book of Malaysia in 2009, Official Year Book
Department of Information of Malaysia
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Kepekaan terhadap isu mendorong usaha diambil ringankan beban ummah tertindas
BARU-baru ini masyarakat Islam dikejutkan dengan peristiwa serangan tentera Israel terhadap kapal yang membawa bantuan kemanusiaan ke wilayah Gaza, Palestin. Akibatnya, pertumpahan darah dan kecederaan berlaku kepada sebahagian sukarelawan yang menyertai misi itu. Tragedi ini adalah antara sebahagian isu utama dalam dunia Islam hari ini. Sesungguhnya, ia harus menjadi subjek keprihatinan seluruh masyarakat Islam terutama generasi muda dan belia Islam. Seperti kita sedia maklum, persoalan penjajahan bumi Palestin oleh Israel sudah berlarutan hampir lebih 50 tahun.
Hingga hari ini, jalan penyelesaian terhadap persoalan ini masih buntu. Beberapa usaha damai sebelum ini tidak mencapai penghujung. Umat Islam kini amat kecewa. Di samping isu penjajahan bumi Palestin ini, beberapa negara Islam lain juga masih bergelut dengan pelbagai permasalahan. Masyarakat Islam masih berdepan kemelut perseteruan antaranya di Chechnya, Kashmir, Mindanao dan Pattani di Selatan Thailand. Di Somalia pula masih bergelut dengan permusuhan dalaman yang tidak berkesudahan.
Semua ini adalah antara sebahagian isu semasa yang sedang dihadapi dunia Islam hari ini yang menuntut keprihatinan kita semua. Kita patut bersyukur melihat semangat kepekaan masyarakat Islam di negara ini terhadap persoalan penjajahan bumi Palestin dan penderitaan umat Islam di sana. Kepekaan yang tinggi ini memungkinkan banyak daya usaha dapat kita lakukan bagi membantu meringankan beban kehidupan yang ditanggung oleh mereka. Di dalam kita meningkatkan tahap kepekaan dan keprihatinan mengenai permasalahan Palestin, kita juga perlu, pada masa sama memulakan usaha kita untuk mendalami kefahaman kita dan meningkatkan keprihatinan kita juga terhadap isu di beberapa negara di dunia Islam lain.
Dengan meningkatkan keprihatinan kita mengenai isu-isu ini, ia akan membantu kita di dalam memahami permasalahan dunia Islam secara keseluruhan. Pada pandangan saya, kefahaman secara menyeluruh mengenai isu dunia Islam ini penting kerana ia akan memandu daya usaha kita secara lebih strategik di dalam menyumbang kepada penyelesaian terhadap semua permasalahan dan cabaran yang didepani.
Secara umumnya, sumbangan penyelesaian kita terhadap permasalahan dunia Islam ini boleh dipecahkan kepada dua pendekatan iaitu menerusi penyelesaian jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Penyelesaian bersifat jangka pendek perlu dipertingkatkan dari semasa ke semasa. Usaha mengirim bantuan kemanusiaan yang dijayakan oleh pertubuhan seperti Lifeline4Gaza dan Pertubuhan Yayasan Perdana Misi Kemanusiaan adalah antara contoh yang patut diberi pujian dan dokongan.
Usaha lain yang perlu diteruskan ialah langkah memberi tekanan dari sudut perundangan antarabangsa, memperluaskan rangkaian pendukung dan sukarelawan di kalangan masyarakat Islam dan antarabangsa serta memperhebatkan kempen kesedaran masyarakat awam mengenai pelbagai permasalahan yang sedang berlaku.
Selepas ini, daya usaha itu perlu diperluaskan kepada negara Islam lain yang juga sedang berdepan pelbagai masalah. Di samping penyelesaian jangka pendek ini, kita juga perlu menumpukan usaha kita di dalam memberi penyelesaian bersifat jangka panjang. Pada saya, permasalahan yang sedang dialami dunia Islam hari ini perlu ditangani menerusi pendekatan peradaban.
Ini bermaksud, penyelesaian mengenai isu ini harus didepani secara berkumpulan oleh seluruh negara Islam yang mewakili sebuah peradaban besar dan tersendiri. Penyelesaiannya tidak boleh ditangani secara khusus oleh beberapa negara Islam tertentu saja. Penyelesaian menerusi pendekatan ini menuntut persediaan yang pelbagai dan bersifat menyeluruh. Bagi umat Islam, harapan mereka banyak tergantung kepada Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC) sebagai organisasi induk mewakili seluruh dunia dan peradaban Islam. Pada saya, OIC masih menjadi organisasi paling strategik dan ideal bagi menjalankan cita-cita dan harapan ini.
Namun, sebagaimana kita semua ketahui, untuk setakat hari ini, OIC sebagai sebuah pertubuhan yang mewakili seluruh dunia Islam masih belum mampu berfungsi sehingga tahap yang paling maksimum di dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan dunia Islam hari ini.
Keadaan ini terjadi kerana pelbagai hambatan dan kekangan organisasi itu sendiri selain kepemimpinan yang harus ditangani terlebih dulu. Sekiranya demikian keadaannya, maka kita semua perlu memberi tumpuan di dalam menyumbang ke arah peningkatan keupayaan pertubuhan ini. Usaha pengupayaan ini harus dimulakan dengan langkah mengenal pasti hambatan yang didepani oleh OIC terutama daripada aspek kecekapan dan keberkesanan.
Sebagaimana tabiat organisasi manusia yang lain, pada saya, tumpuan proses pengupayaan harus dimulakan dengan memperkenalkan satu model organisasi yang sesuai dengan realiti dunia Islam semasa, menampilkan barisan kepemimpinan pertubuhan yang berkesan dan diyakini, merangka perancangan jelas dan menyeluruh serta meningkatkan tahap kerjasama serta permuafakatan di dalam pelbagai bidang.
Dalam hal ini, peranan negara Malaysia perlu lebih ke hadapan dalam usaha pengupayaan pertubuhan berkenaan. Ini kerana faktor sumber daya manusia yang kita miliki serta sikap masyarakat yang berpandangan positif terhadap masa depan. Kedua aspek ini adalah asas penting dalam menjayakan sebuah organisasi dunia seperti OIC yang amat kompleks dari segi perwatakan dan perwakilannya. Menerusi pendekatan jangka pendek dan panjang yang disusun secara teratur dan dilaksanakan secara berhikmah, kita yakin akan dapat menyumbang kepada penyelesaian pemasalahan dunia Islam semasa pada hari ini secara keseluruhan dan berkekalan.
Penulis ialah Presiden Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)
Sumber: http://www2.bharian.com.my/articles/KemelutduniaIslamperluditangani/Article/
Hubungan antarabangsa bagi negara Malaysia bukanlah suatau perkara yang baharu kerana Tanah Melayu telahpun mengadakan hubungan yang baik dengan beberapa buah negara pada masa dahulu seperti China, India, Timur Tengah, Jepun dan sebagainya. Setiap negara mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri justeru itu Malaysia perlu bijak mengatur strategi bagi memastikan setiap hubungan luar negara memberi faedah kepada pembangunan negara.
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